Why take CBD?
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is one of the body’s systems globally involved in maintaining homeostasis or stability and balance in the body, connecting all of the body’s organs and systems through both the central and peripheral nervous system. Although the body has its own endogenous cannabinoids, plant-derived cannabinoids (phytocannabinoids) have been researched as potential therapeutic options in a variety of areas because of their modulation of the ECS.
One such phytocannabinoid is CBD, which helps regulate the ECS via two types of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body – CB1 and CB2. These receptors are found most abundant in the brain and immune system respectively, including:
• Motor Activity
• Thinking
• Motor co-ordination
• Appetite
• Short term memory
• Pain receptors
• Immune cells
• Gut
• Kidneys
• Adipose tissue
• Skeletal muscle
• Bone
• Eye
• Tumors
• Reproductive system
• Immune system
• Respiratory system
• Skin
• Central Nervous System
• Cardiovascular system
• Liver
In summary, while newly studied, the ECS is responsible for effects throughout the entire body including sleep and relaxation, inflammatory responses and cognitive function.
Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=cannabinoid
[Please note that these studies are updated frequently and are related to cannabidiol and sometimes include other plant cannabinoids including THC, CBDA, THCV, CBG and CBDV]
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